Monday, November 27, 2006

Media and Marketing "No" Show

The M&M Show's first day would have to be called a total disaster. DMO is actually surprised that the fewer, but larger stands are investing this amount of money on.. well, nothing.

It's almost like a show that is designed for the media folks to show off to one another what they can do.. and by what they can do, it by no means refers to their offerings. It's more of a "my stand is cooler than yours" type of exhibition.

One word to describe it: horrid.

DMO suggests that Domus actually try to attract the prospects of the people supporting their event.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And what did you think of the Campaign Conference, DMO?

December 06, 2006 1:39 AM  
Blogger Dubai Media Observer said...

The Campaign conference was entertaining.. meeting old friends and talking about the same old existential issues. Advertising must unite and stop the 'dirty' business.. PR need to justify why they exist.. all smiles while daggers are glistening behind each suit.

I generally enjoy those.

December 06, 2006 3:02 PM  
Blogger inmotion said...

M&M show...

snooze fest ....

total ...

December 24, 2006 2:35 PM  

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